Gainesville MO Homes and Real Estate...

Ozarks Realty 4u, LLC. in Gainesville, Missouri is serving the Southern Ozarks with all of your real estate needs. Our personal relationship with the area will help us to help you in your search for property. We service the Southern Missouri Counties of Ozark, Douglas, Wright, Howell, Taney and surrounding area. If you are looking for farm, ranch, lake, river, home, hunting, recreational or investment property, your first home or a place to retire in the Missouri Ozarks, we are here to be of service to you. We are real estate professionals, bringing buyers and sellers together in the Ozarks.

Ozarks Realty 4U, LLC - Bringing Buyers and Sellers together in the Ozarks. Call Us Today and begin the search for your place in the Ozarks!

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Our Testimonials

This is what people are saying about us

Karri Holiday

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"Our experience was amazing. So easy to work with and the BEST communication I have ever had buying a property. I would definitely recommend."

Sue Christopherson

Melrose WI

"David is kind and knowledgeable. He is true to his word. Honesty and hard work to do right by us was his goal. He would tell us our options (some would make him more money, some would benefit us more). He would honestly tell us all options and then let us decide. His handshake and word was all the contract needed. I would recommend David Haskins and Ozarks Realty 4U LLC to anyone needing to sell property"

Dan & Deanean Lamphier

Gainesville MI

"Dave is great guy that went above and beyond to help us out. Great service!!"