Connections to the Ozarks

Ozarks Realty 4U, LLC in Gainesville, Missouri is serving the Southern Ozarks with all of your real estate needs. Our family has been in southern Missouri for more than a hundred and seventy five years. We were raised here, we love this land and we know it well. Our personal relationship with the area will help us to help you in your search for property.
Ozarks Realty 4U Land and Farms real estate We share a kinship with this land. Our ancestors moved here as pioneers in the 1840's, settling about a quarter mile upstream from the mouth of the Barren Fork Creek, where it empties into the Little North Fork of the White River in Ozark County, Missouri. This area, abundant with wildlife, native flowers, plants and a crystal clear ozark stream has been designated by the Missouri Department of Conservation as Haskins Ford.

In the late 1940's and early 1950's the Corp of Engineers began to purchase volumes of acreage adjacent to the Little North Fork of the White River in preparation for the development of Bull Shoals Lake in Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas. This Haskins Ford, Missouri Heritage changed the accessibility of where our ancestors originally homesteaded. The land up and down the Little North Fork of the White River, as well as some of the land up its tributaries such as Pond Fork, Barren Fork, Little, Spring, Turkey, Otter and Big Creeks were settled and are currently being farmed by descendants of a couple who were truly among the founding pioneer families of Ozark County Missouri.
Ozarks Realty 4U, LLC - Bringing Buyers and Sellers together in the Ozarks.
Call Us Today and begin the search for your place in the Ozarks!